Rev. William J. Barber II

(Born 1963) Protestant minister, social justice activist, Professor of Theology

Rev. William Barber is the founding director of the Center for Public Theology and Public Policy at Yale Divinity School. He is the president and senior lecturer at Repairers of the Breach. Dr. Barber is also co-chair of the Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for a Moral Revival.

Portrait image courtesy of: Economic Policy Institute

“We are here to say that health care, voting rights, and living wages are moral issues.”

“The United States Constitution, in Article 11 Section 4, says, ‘Beneficent provision for the poor, the unfortunate and the orphan is one of the first duties of a civilized and Christian state.’”

“In order for America to be America, there’s some impurities we must remove. Racism is an impurity. Anti-unionism is an impurity. Meanness is an impurity. Hate is an impurity. Poverty is an impurity.”